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Dear Brothers & Sisters,

When we are planning for the gift book of Experiencing Grief, the thought that recording an audio book for the visually-impaired and give it to them for free occurred to us. After many prayers to make sure it is God’s will, we asked Tiffany, who has won the Golden Bell Award for radio dramas, to narrate for the book. She promised unhesitatingly.

Tiffany suggested inserting music to make the audio book richer. However, free music takes time to pick, whereas paid music is too expensive. “It’s possible! God will make things work together.” Natasha, who has won awards in various composition competitions, then stepped in to join the team. She is willing to compose start and end music, as well as the chapters she feels inspired, at no charge. We feel so thankful.

A gift book seems incomplete without illustration. We prayed and asked friends to introduce candidates. Upon finalizing the candidate for illustrator and signing the contract, we realized she is a sister as well. We could not help but praise God.

We use great discretion because He is holy and never rests when ministering His sheep. We rejoice because we are unworthy, yet He gives us such grace.

Please raise your hands in prayer to support and partner with us, and we believe this time, we will go through the challenges ahead as we always did.

Below are a few updates:


1. We have obtained the translation permission of Tear Soup (for traditional Chinese).
2. 84% of the narration of Experiencing Grief, as well as start and end music, have been finished (for audio book). Also, we have finalized the candidate for illustrator.
3. We have completed all proofreading work of Where Do I Go From Here?.
4. We have completed 80% of the translating of Letting God be Judge.
5. We have completed 30% of the proofreading of The Church in God’s Program.

Prayer requests--

1. Please pray that God gives heavenly wisdom to Tiffany (the narrator), Natasha (the composer), and Zoey (the illustrator) so that the narration, music, and the 25 illustrations can be completed in time.
2. Please pray the translation of Tear Soup and Letting Gog Be Judge can be precise, fluent and elegant.
3. The Church in God’s Program, and Where Do I Go From Here? have entered the proofreading/trail reading process. Please pray that God gives heavenly wisdom to Jane/Paul so that every word/sentence that has to be revised will be amended correctly and beautifully.
4. 2014 Conferences. Robert Saucy, Ph.D. (the author of The Church in God’s Program) is not able to come to Taiwan because of his physical condition. Please pray that God will prepare a suitable speaker. Please also pray that He will show when to hold the special conference led by Douglas Hayward Ph.D. (the author of Spiritual Warfare for Christians) and Tom Sappington (the author of Letting God Be Judge), and when is the proper time for Walt Russell, Ph.D. & Marty Russell’s second visit to Taiwan. Please pray that God gives us enough manpower and financial support to hold these conferences.
5. Please pray that the books and DVDs of Lifting Hands Network will become a tremendous blessing to brothers and sisters in Christ.
6. We need approximately US$3,500 per month to sustain the normal operation. Please pray that God will provide.

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