Javascript is used to edit round corners of different sections and help users move to the top of web pages. It will not hinder users' web browsing activity.
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The website is designed based on principles of Web Content Accessibility. The website content is composed of four sections: 1. guide (at the top), 2. web menu, 3. web content (in the center), 4. shortcuts (on the left), 5. copyrights and disclaimer (at the bottom), 6. secondary content (on the right).

The accesskeys are established as follows:

  • Alt+T: guide section (at the top) that provides functions, such as Return to Sitemap, Contact Us, Language Options, Member Login and Member Registration
  • Alt+L: shortcuts section (on the left) that provides links to the related submenu
  • Alt+C: web content section (in the center) that provides users with major content of the website
  • Alt+R: related info section (on the right) and other related links
  • Alt+B: copyrights and disclaimer section (at the bottom) and other related links
  • Alt+S: web search

※When users cannot click their mouse on section tabs, they can still press the following keys to browse the web:
← → or ↑↓: Users can press ← → or ↑↓ arrows to access different tabs.

Home or End→: Users can press Home or End→ and instantly go to the first or the last item of that tab.

Tab: When users stop at a certain tab, they can use the Tab key to move to the intended web content. When they see Radio, they can use ← → or↑↓ keys to move to the intended item.

Tab + Shift: Users can press Tab + Shift to go back to the previous page.When they come back to section tabs, they can continue to use ← → or↑↓