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Thank God for caring for Taiwan's needs. Mark Saucy, Ph.D. and his wife Bonnie, after a time of prayers, are willing to extend their stay in Taiwan so that pastors, brothers and sisters in southern Taiwan can attend the course in a nearby location. The Taipei session will be held in Taiwan Harmony Friends Church from June 4 to 6, and the Kaohsiung session will be held from June 8 to 11. We are still looking for churches and other institutions as co-organizers, and we believe God will provide them in time.

1. Taiwan Harmony Friends Church is willing to provide venue for the special conference of ecclesiology.
2. Xinsheng Church Group will ask their ministers to attend the special conference of ecclesiology next year as one of the arranged advanced study courses.
3. Neihu Xinsheng Church is willing to give us some time to find a new office.
4. The Church in God’s Program has entered the layout process.

Prayer Requests--
1. Please pray that seminaries and Christian institutions in Taiwan are willing to co-host the special conference of ecclesiology.
2. Please pray that God shows when is the proper time for Tom Sappington, Ph.D. (the author of Letting God Be Judge) to hold a special conference in Taiwan, and that He gives us enough manpower and financial support for the conference.
3. The office we are currently using is leased by Neihu Xinsheng Church for free, and the office is due this month to growing number of church members. Please pray that God will provide a new office for us.
4. Please pray that more joint-prayer meetings in different counties/cities of Taiwan will be willing to co-organize “Walk out of Grief” workshop.
5. Please pray that God will use “Walk out of Grief” workshop to help churches in Taiwan to establish grief & loss of spouse ministries so that brothers & sisters will be able to empathize with those who are grieving and lead them to Lord.
6. The Church in God’s Program has entered the layout process. Please pray that God gives heavenly wisdom to Jane so that every word/sentence that has to be revised will be amended correctly and beautifully.
7. Please pray that the books and DVDs of Lifting Hands Network will become a tremendous blessing to brothers and sisters in Christ.
8. We need approximately US$ 3,297 per month to sustain the normal operation. Please pray that God will provide.

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