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Dear Brothers & Sisters,

When I received the text informing me about the accidental dust explosion in Baxian Water Park at 9pm in June 27, I immediately prayed that God would give mercy to the young people who were wounded. I had to deliver a sermon the next day and thus it would be better to have sufficient rest; however, I could not fall sleep, so I got up and prayed all night.

How much have the 430 people suffered physically, mentally and spiritually? The threat of death, the deformation of their appearances… and who are there to help in the long journey of upcoming recovery? Their families also need support.

Disasters become more frequent. As a Christian, are you ready to shoulder your responsibility? I pray God that He will use the "Crisis, Grief and Trauma Counseling" course in every city and county in Taiwan to equip pastors as well as brothers and sisters so that we can all serve those in suffering. It is my dream that the cooperation mode between foreign critical incident stress management agencies and local government can be introduced to Taiwan, and that trained and qualified "Victim Chaplain" can arrive at the golden hour and accompany victims, in the long run leading them and their families to Lord.

Am I dreaming? Yes. Are you willing to build this dream with me?

1. Jane was invited to Xizhi Church to deliver a sermon on June 28. Many brothers and sisters said they had a more clear understanding.
2. The editing of "The Church in God's Program Special Conference" DVD went smoothly, and is expected to finish the production and copying process by the end of August.
3. Seed Church will co-host "Walk out of Grief" workshop in Taichung during August 22 and 23.
4. JenAi Baptist Church will co-host "Walk out of Grief" workshop in Banqiao during September 5 and 6.

Prayer Requests--
1. Please pray that promotion and course of each "Crisis, Grief and Trauma Counseling Part 1: Walk out of Grief" workshop will go smoothly before, during and after, and that every attendee will experience God's presence, healing and mercy. Please also pray that God will use “Walk out of Grief” workshop to help churches in Taiwan to establish grief & loss of spouse ministries, and that brothers & sisters will be able to empathize with those who are grieving and lead them to Lord.
2. The proofreading of "Man and Woman in Church Ministry" (Chinese version) went smoothly. Please pray that each word/sentence that needs to be polished can be amended correctly and elegantly and fulfilled the wish of the late author, who hoped to use the book as a supporting material for "The Church in God's Program".
3. Please pray that the books and DVDs of Lifting Hands Network will bring vitality of the early churches to the current churches so that elders will become a blessing to pastors and ministers, and that worship can transform every aspect of people's live.

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