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Jane has seen this message in the group of Yilan County Joint Christian Prayer Meeting:

"Dear pastors and coworkers,
May God's peace be with you. Many of us have experienced bereavements and substantial losses, including me. I had a much blessed relationship with my grandpa, who passed away in 1995, when I was doing my military service. I felt great grief that I didn't have the chance to see him one last time, and though the busy years gone by made me feel I had left behind this painful loss, I actually hadn't. I would like to thank Jane to visit our church and hold "Walk out of Grief" workshop in January 2015, in which I was touched deeply and wept, feeling a tremendous sense of relief (a great many brothers and sisters also experienced the same sense of relief). Jane would come to Yilan this September to hold "Walk out of Grief" workshop again and it is my sincere hope that pastors, brothers and sisters, as well as non-believers can register for the workshop.
--Pastor You Benyi, Yilan Bread of Life Church"

Pastor You's experience is shared by many who surround us. When coaching entrepreneurs regarding the bottlenecks they're facing, grief triggered by big losses are areas that must be dealt with. Only when the journey of grief comes to an end would a person feel lighthearted and spread their wings at ease.

"The number of people piling grief in their heart is much bigger than I imagine. Unless I open these hidden boxes and let the emotions inside flow out, they would hinder people's growth and potential, and lead to strange, hard-to-explain behavior, ultimately causing unspeakable internal stress," a senior counselor also said the same thing Jane had been pondering over the years.

Dear friend, if you feel you're hindered in growth and hard to reach your potential, in the meantime enduring unspeakable stress at heart, maybe it's time for you to stop a while and look at your past.


1. We received a heart-warming message from the principal of Qidu Elementary School, saying: "reading Tear Soup makes me feel sentimental at times, as though I am brewing my own tear soup… this is a great book, suitable for all ages. We'll have it listed in the to-buy books of Qidu Book Box if budget allowed."
2. LHN executive director Pastor Xu, previously hospitalized, went home for rest on August 12.
3. The proofreading of the most difficult part of Why Suffering? has been completed.
4. "Walk out of Grief" workshop will be hosted in Jakarta from September 10 to 12.

Prayer Requests--

1. Please pray for Jane's ministry in Jakarta this coming September, and may God use "Walk out of Grief" workshop and Jane to bless local brothers and sisters.
2. The editing and post-production of "Overflowing with Grace" Conference DVDs went smoothly. Please pray that God will use it so that the series can become one of the teaching materials for Sunday schools.
3. Please pray for the cover design of Why Suffering? (Chinese version), and that God will give inspirations to the designer.
4. Churches that have co-hosted the "Trauma, Crisis and Grief Counseling Part 1: Walk out of Grief" workshop can establish grief & loss of spouse ministries, and attendees can enter support and growth groups so that they can finish the grief journey with God's presence, healing and mercy. By doing this, they can further lead those who are grieving to Lord.
5. Please pray that the books and DVDs of Lifting Hands Network will become a blessing to brothers and sisters in various churches.


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