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On May 13-14, a series of 20 explosions rocked Surabaya, Indonesia as a result of terrorist attack, shocking Indonesia. As Jakarta entered high security alert, churches and Christian schools nearby were deeply affected. The head organizer for the May 27 to June 3 “Dialysis Behavior Code – Personality Management” class in Jakarta considered delaying the class until September. But through prayer and discussions with the local leaders, it was decided to have the class as scheduled.

On May 27th, the first day of class, only around 20 Christians registered for the class. But because of the great feedback from attending student, on the second day of class, which was May 29th, six more individuals registered for the class. On June 1st, 10 more people registered. Some of them were non-Christians. But because of Lebaran and Indonesia’s New Year’s Break, most people went home for their two week break. So on June 3rd, we had less students showing up.

After each class Jane received many feedbacks from the students.

Here are some:

“The analysis was spot on. It really was so applicable!”

“For the past 10 to 20 years, I thought my spouse was a selfish person. I never understood his/her motives. Now I realized that I never understood him/her.”

“I always compare my children to other people’s children and only saw their weaknesses. But now I know his/her failure is because of my discouragement.”

“I feel self-abased and can’t accept my own personality. I never thought that the way I am and my personality are formed by God’s beautiful purpose and related with the Kingdom of God.”

“All of the different personalities are important and won’t be left out of the Kingdom of God. I have found my own value and purpose!”

Because Jane only goes once a year, she usually likes to put in more content. Thus, many of the application and practices could not be included. She even had to shorten some of the content in order to fit everything in. Please pray for each student to spend time digesting the things they learned in class in order to know how embrace themselves, and even admire the fact that they are God’s creation. Please also pray that they will partner with the Lord and intercede for others, willing to work together with the people in the church as a body of Christ.


1. “For Women Only” has been successfully published.

2. “For Women Only” received high praises.

3. “For Women Only” received noteworthy praises from the leader of the copyright agency about the design of the new edition.

4. Many readers have requested that “For Men Only” also should be published.

5. Many readers have also asked that Dr. Rex Johnson’s children’s stories be published.

Prayer Requests:

1. Pray for Jane as she goes to the States for work and studies from June 11th to September 8th.

2. Pray that the Lord will continue to use “For Women Only” to transform people.

3. Please pray that God will use the book Healing the Hurt in your Marriage and the conference DVD to bless Chinese couples.

4. Please pray that God will use the book Why Suffering? to help people to find Jesus, who is the real source of meaning and comfort when life doesn’t make sense.

5. Please pray that God will use Letting God Be Judge and the DVD of Overflowing with Grace Conference to heal Chinese Christians, especially brothers and sisters in Mainland China.

6. May God use Just One More Day to help those who are suffering with depression and anxiety.


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