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At the end of June last year, Jane received an invitation from Minister Mei-Yuan of the Collaborative Council Taitung Church to preach at two services on Sunday, December 10th during the Christmas season. Taitung is known for its beautiful scenery, but it has the lowest average income in Taiwan, and many people feel depressed. "It takes 4.5 hours by express train from Taipei to Taitung. Why not organize a special topic on 'Letting Go of Anxiety' in the afternoon!" Jane suggested. Minister Mei-Yuan happily responded, "That's great! I will encourage our church members to invite their family or friends who suffer from depression, and we can also open it to other churches."

December, the Christmas month, is the best time for evangelism. From the day of accepting the invitation, Jane began to pray for the content of the sermon. After several prayers, the topic was set as "The Keys to a Happy Life."

Generally speaking, the most important thing to people is themselves, so Jane started by talking about the relationship with oneself. Considering that a considerable percentage of people easily become nervous and worried, five helpful sentences for anxious friends were excerpted from "the Anxiety Reset": 

• I deserve the good things in my life.
• Perfection isn’t required.
• I’ve succeeded at many things before.
• One bad moment does not make a bad day.
• God loves me just as I am, even with my shortcomings. 

Then, various aspects of life were covered, including relationships with spouses, children, and God. Finally, the key to enjoying work and how to find one's calling and be a good steward were emphasized.

The response to the two sermons, "The Keys to a Happy Life," in the morning and "Letting Go of Anxiety" in the afternoon at the Taitung Church of the Cooperative Association on December 10th was excellent. Some people stayed for the second sermon after attending the first one. Pastor Luo Haipeng and several church members told Jane that it was fantastic and extremely practical. In the afternoon, some brothers and sisters from other churches and non-believing friends came, and even with extra chairs added, the room was still full. The lecture, originally scheduled from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm, was extended until 4:25 pm. Some friends who were not comfortable asking questions in public lined up to ask questions. Jane had to catch the 5:55 pm train, so it had to truly end at 5:00 pm. All the publications brought were sold out. Pastor Luo Haipeng and Minister Mei-Yuan were very grateful and happy. They said that they organize many activities, but today's special topic in the afternoon was particularly lively.

After returning home to Taipei, it was already 11:00 pm. Although tired, Jane felt that all the hard work was worthwhile when thinking about the faces of the listeners.


1. More than 30 people signed up for the "Walking Out of Grief" lecture at Taipei True Light Church on December 30th, and the response was very good, including non-believers.
2. The book "the Anxiety Reset" was published in mid-December. Many brothers and sisters thanked God for hearing their prayers and introducing the book they needed through Lifting Hands Network.
3. In 2023, Lifting Hands once again experienced God's abundant grace. Not only was the year-end balance positive, but they were also able to share God's grace with several needy organizations.

Prayer requests:

1. May "the Anxiety Reset" and "Healing Depression for Life" be a blessing to those who are emotionally low, filled with anxiety and easily worried, and under pressure.
2. May "Sustainable Church: Growing Ministry Around the Sheep, Not Just the Shepherds” be a blessing to all churches.
3. Pray for more churches in various cities and counties that are willing to host workshops on "Letting Go of Anxiety," "Letting Go of Depression," or "The Key to a Happy Life," and are willing to open it to the public.
4. Pray that those who said they would organize workshops on "Walk Out of Grief" and "The Secret of Psychological Body Armor" will have definite arrangements and take action.
5. Pray that the publications of Lifting Hands Network will be used by God to enhance the relationship between the Chinese people and God, others, and themselves.


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Copyright © Jane Hsu
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