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It is often said, "Wherever there is seawater, there are Chinese people." Whether for business, livelihood, or refuge, groups have chosen to leave their homes or have been forced to wander abroad.

Preaching the gospel in atheistic China is not easy and involves the risk of imprisonment. The number of Chinese expatriates in Indonesia is increasing year by year, presenting an opportunity to share the gospel with them, which must be seized. Therefore, from 2012 to 2019, Jane Hsu was invited annually to serve at Sinim Church - the home for Chinese in Jakarta, typically involving intensive courses, personal counseling for those in need, and finally a sermon on Sunday.

When discussing courses, Jane suggested "The Secret of Psychological Body Armor: Survival of the Wisest" for high-pressure professionals and several other well-reviewed courses. Pastor Tong Tong of Sinim Church indicated that the staff chose "The Secret of Psychological Body Armor," but the courses offered by the church were generally free, with at most voluntary donations. Charging fees might be difficult.

Jane sent the DM of "The Secret of Psychological Body Armor" used in Taiwan to Pastor Tong Tong for her reference, emphasizing that this course was designed by ICISF in the US for high-pressure individuals and transparently detailing the course registration fee, handout fee, and certificate fee. For the sake of the gospel, she could sacrifice her lecturer fee, but the fees due to ICISF could not be reduced. ICISF courses were also held in Hong Kong, Macau, and Beijing, with higher fees than in Taiwan and fully attended. Most people can accept paying for learning, so why do church members expect it for free? Free things are rarely cherished. The church community should not expect courses and materials to be free just because salvation is freely given. Salvation is free because the cost is too high for anyone to afford!

After discussion, the Sinim Church staff decided to charge fees similar to those in Taiwan. Surprisingly, thirty people registered. Considering the diverse backgrounds of participants, the standard 7.5-hour international course was extended to 9 hours, divided into three sessions of three hours each. To aid understanding and absorption of the course, the post-class online reading materials were printed in simplified Chinese, and students were asked to arrive 30 minutes early for discussion and practice activities.

When the last session ended, the students were reluctant to leave. Jane invited them to attend the Sunday worship the next day, where she would speak on "The Key to a Happy Life," no registration required, free of charge. Everyone applauded happily. After the class, many said it was the best investment they had made for themselves.

Pastor Tong Tong felt Jane's selfless dedication and introduced her during Sunday worship, saying, "Teacher Jane Hsu is not a guest; she is our family. She has been with us since the early days of Sinim Church..." During the love feast, several members told Jane that today's message was exactly what they need and very helpful to them.

Many people needed personal counseling, but not everyone could get an appointment. Some members saw others in greater need and gave up their time slots. Thank God, those who received counseling reported: confusion clarified, confidence increased, saw a way forward, and felt very hopeful.

After returning to Taiwan, Jane sent a message to several prayer partners: "Thank you for your prayers. The mission is complete. I have done my best in heart, soul, mind, and strength. I think I have honored God. Every time I go to Indonesia, I give it my all. After coming back, I don't want to move, talk, or eat, feeling exhausted and drained. But being able to help so many Chinese people, I still thank God."


1. From May 5th to 15th, the services in Jakarta, which has the highest proportion of Muslims, and Bali, where Hinduism is prevalent, were completed despite intense spiritual warfare. Thank God.
2. On 6/15 and 6/22 in Taipei, 15 people participated in "The Secret of Psychological Body Armor." After the course, many left thank-you messages, with one particularly mentioning, "Teacher Jane's course helped me a lot and allowed me to recover quickly from depression. I look forward to attending more of her classes."
3. Six persons who have taken the course of "Group Crisis Intervention" signed up for the in person training: review key points and practice skills on 7/15.
4. Jane has the opportunity to go to Mongolia for mission trip from 8/2-8/8.

Prayer Requests:

1. The August mission in Mongolia targets a different group: young people of marriageable age, newlyweds, and families with newborns. Need to prepare interesting and practical quizzes and short talks with PPTs. Additionally, due to anti-Chinese sentiment in Mongolia, the entire mission will be conducted in English, which is also a challenge. Pray for the Lord's anointing, blessing, and use.
2. "No More Anxiety" and "No More Depression" are greatly used by God to be a blessing for people who are depressed, easily nervous, worried, and stressed.
3. May "Sustainable Church: Growing Ministry Around the Sheep, Not Just the Shepherds” be a blessing to all churches.
4. Ask God to raise up churches in various counties and cities that are willing to host "No More Depression", "No More Anxiety" or "The Keys to a Happy Life" lectures, and are willing to open up to the outside world.
5. Ask the Lord to greatly use the publications of the Lifting Hands Network to enhance the relationship between Chinese people all over the world with God, with others, and with themselves.


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Copyright © Jane Hsu
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