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MAN AND WOMAN IN CHURCH MINISTRY (Traditional Chinese edition)

  1. Author: Robert L. Saucy, Th.D.
  • Price: $8
  • List Price: $ 8
  • Product #: T009
Product Introduction

The role of women in the church is a debate that has raged within the church for much of the twentieth century. On one side are those who say there is no difference between men and women. On the other side are those who severely limit women who want to offer ministry to the church. Robert Saucy takes the middle approach. Believing that the modern views have denied the distinctions between men and women, the author adopts a view called complementarianism.  Saucy argues that while men and women are equal, God has given different roles to each and that these roles rely on each other to be fully effective.

More Information
  • 21 X 14.8 cm
  • 112 pages
  • ISBN: 978-986-91504-1-5
  • CIP: 244.98
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