First of all......ALL MANAGEMENT personnel ARE! At least you as a manager are a part of the Human Resource Team...believe it or not!
By definition, the function of human resource management is to optimally manage the employees i.e. the human resources available within your business. Managing human resources can be translated as assisting, channeling, relating to, uplifting, and dealing with people in such a way as to successfully accomplish specific company goals within the umbrella of the law.
Given that definition, there is no finer rule on the proper way to relate and deal with our employees than applying the concept of “VOICE & TOUCH” Communication. Surely a key question to ask in any manager/employee problem situation on the job is; How would YOU want to be treated if you were in the given situation?
The human resources department (HR) in an organization has the formal responsibility to administer corporate policies and procedures (and develop them as needed) which facilitate a proper relationship and attitude between the organization and the individual employees. Its purpose is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees in reaching the organization’s goals. The HR Department is a support to management and employees working on the line, in the office or production arena.
The role of HR is NOT to replace management or tell them how to run their department...the role of HR IS to assist and ensure management is carrying out the company policies and procedures, blanketed by federal and state guidelines, correctly and support them in any way possible. This does not mean HR “fills out the forms” and “counsels the employees” for managers. Unless HR insists, this is the role of the manager.
HR assists, supports and monitors, they do not baby-sit.
Therefore, to be a positive, progressive organization, it is critical that all management, HR and supervisors, recognize the value of the employee as a vital part of the organization. In so doing, this provides a management challenge to everyone—one of developing your employees and one of working with your employees when problems occur on the job.
The key is recognizing that all managers, are a part of the Human Resource Team for an organization!
The HR Department is there to support the line manager, yet it is the line manager that makes many day-to-day decisions that effect the way their employees perform on their jobs. Therefore, MANAGERS are HR Managers in their own right.
As we begin to examine various federal and California state laws and agencies, the focus will be on PEOPLE and how a business can maximize its productivity or effectiveness through the proper treatment of their employees in following the law, not avoiding the law.
In summary, it is critical that managers recognize that there are several reasons to employ proper Human Resource Management policies and attitudes in their role as a manager/leader:
• Because it is right and we are to value each other.
• Because it will lead an employee to be motivated while enjoying the organization he/she works for.
• Proper people management will maximize long-term profitability/results for your organization.
• Satisfied, happy employees mean higher production with fewer errors.
• Employees who enjoy coming to work translate into fewer litigation problems and lower costs.
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