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Who We Are - Core Team

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Jane Hsu M.A.

Executive Chairman of Lifting Hands Network
Instructor, Consultant, Coach,Trainer
ICISF Approved Instructor
Crisis, Grief, Trauma Consultant

  • M.A., Biola University

Jane is presently serving as the Executive Chairman of Lifting Hands Network. She is an ICISF Approved Instructor as well as Crisis, Grief, Trauma Consultant. She loves to equip and train others to help people.


  • Business
    Coaching: Executives & Managers
    Consulting: Companies
    Training: Strategy Implementation, Strategy Formulation, Running and Growing the Small Company, Leading Transformational Changes
  • Family
    Coaching: Couples
    Consulting: Churches
    Training: Pre-marital Counseling,
    Marital Counseling, Crisis, Grief, Truma Counseling

  • Ministry
    Coaching: Leaders & Founders
    Consulting: Non-profit Organizations
    Training: Character Development in Leadership, Jesus' Emotional Life, Spiritual Warfare, Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods

Working Experience

Jane provides consulting and training for companies and institutions as well as non-profit organizations.

Jane was a producer, editor, project manager, supervisor of marketing, and educational services in the television and publishing industries for more than ten years. She was a part-time consultant for a nutrition company. She designed its structure, process, and system as it quickly grew in a short span of five years into a companywith an overall worth of billions of dollars. she was the special assistant to the CEO of a stereo company and has managed an international business for more than five years.

She specializes in Project Management, Team-Building, Alignment & Transformation, and Customer Service. She has always enjoyed interactions with people of different nationalities and backgrounds.



Jane has three brothers and six nephews and two nieces. She enjoys chating with her family members and friends.


Besides working at her full time job, she has been a Bible teacher and counselor for years. She has helped teenagers, young adults, and couples. She is often invited to speak at summer camps as well as spiritual emphasis conferences.



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