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Who We Are - Vision

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  • Heal wounds
  • Search for the lost
  • Comfort those who mourn
  • Strengthen the weak in spirit
  • Fill those who hunger and thirst for truth



Lifting Hands Network is an intercultural and international network of Christian professionals to provide Christian development and education resources to individuals and organizations that seek personal and business growth.

Name & Logo

The Meaning of Lifting Hands

  • Volunteering

...raising our hands is volunteering to do what needs to be done, not waiting for someone else to do the job, to be called on, or to be paid.

  • Serving others

...raising our own hands to help those in need.

  • Enabling others

…helping others to raise their own hands, to have autonomy and self respect.

  • Appealing for help

…asking others to participate, to have compassion, and to help.

  • Prayer and worship

…lifting hands in prayer and worship to the Lord.

Our Logo –

When looking at the logo for Lifting Hands, what comes to your mind? You will immediately notice the shape that is made by the joining of two hands, the vibrant colors and hopefully, the letter that is seen. What do these symbols mean?

Our hands were created to help others. Our hands reflect love and warmth. With our hands we can embrace those around us. We can express care and concern. As two hands are joined together, two shapes are formed. One is of a dove. Doves are often used to devote purity, holiness and peace. The second is of a heart, representing love. In these two shapes, we want our love to fly, like a dove, and to be shared with others from around the world. Lastly, the letter L can be seen to stand for Lifting, as our ministry is Lifting Hands.

The three colors that are used in our website are – pink, blue and green. We wanted the pink to reflect love and our heart for helping others. Blue represents the heavenly bodies, the water around us and freedom. Green is life, creation and newness. With these three colors, we want to express the fullness of the world around us and the need for unconditional love.

It is the desire of those in this ministry that our logo expresses our core value. We want to love others and thus reach out to help others. And as that happens, the beauty of the Creator is spread throughout the world and people are transformed.

Core Value

  • Integrity
  • Excellent Service
  • Team-building
  • Fun
  • Restoration
  • Development


Working Plan for 2013

A. General Business

Service Description Progress
1. Training Program
  • Leadership Training Program
Character Development in Leadership Scheduled to be held in the first half and second half of 2013
  • Counseling Training Program
Christian Counseling: Overview & Basic Skills

Grief Counseling
Scheduled to be held in Jarkata in the first half of 2013

Scheduled to be held in Taiwan in the second half of 2013
  • Management Training Program
Basic Business Management Part II Scheduled to be held in Guangzhou in the second half of 2013
2. Publishing
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Experience Grief
  • Where Do I Go From Here?
  • Letting God Be Judge

Estimate: 2-4 translated books
1-2 scheduled to be published in the first half of 2013
1-2 scheduled to be published in the second half of 2013

3. Restoration
  • One-to-one Counseling
  • Pre-martial counseling
  • Growth Group
Reservation required
Reservation required
Where needed
Minimum number of attendees required

B. Overseas Ministries

Service Description Scheduled Time
  • Family Counseling
Trauma Coping Strategies for gender relationships Summer (in Changchung & Mongolia)
  • Career Seminar
Enjoy Working Autumn (in Guangzhou)