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Who We Are - Finance Reports

2024 Report

2023 Report

2022 Report

2021 Report

2020 Report

2019 Report

2018 Report

2017 Report

2016 Report

2015 Report

2014 Report

2013 Report

2012 Report

2011 Report

2010 Report

2009 Report

2010 6Month Income Statement

Income Unit: US$ %
Member Fee 0 0%
Grant 0 0%
Consultant Services 1,724 49%
Products 0 0%
Donation 1,759 50%
Interest 1 0%
Others 0 0%
Online Sales 0 0%
Online Shutterbugs 0 0%
Online Course Registration 0 0%
Online Donation 0 0%
Balance 3,484 100%
Expenses Unit: US$ %
Translation 0 0%
Publication 0 0%
Websites 0 0%
Staff Salary 3,712 69%
Events & Courses 0 0%
General Needs 1,611 30%
Mission Fund 93 2%
Balance 5,416 100%
Summary of Income Statement Unit: US$
Total Income 3,484
Total Expense 5,416
Balance -1,932