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God & Me - Written Word

Our mission has been to learn the proper interpretation of the written Word.

We have explored 7 clue questions that need to be applied to the written word of God.

Lest we think Bible interpretation is an exact science, Rolls Sock has given us 5 more crucial elements to understand God’s Word and to see its relevance.

First, we need to have been saved.

Next, we need to develop some spiritual maturity.

We need to engage in diligent study.

We need to use our common sense and logic.

And finally, humbly depend on the Holy Spirit for discernment.

In our episodes, you have hopefully experienced some of these.

Understanding God’s Word is a task for the humbled.

It takes humility to admit ignorance and submit to learning skills that one finds awkward.

Our episodes in clue discovery draw to a close.

Now we are at a point which could be likened to someone who has just learned to play Chopsticks on the piano, thinking that they are capable of playing a Beethoven sonata on the piano.

Only hard work and years of practice separate the two abilities.

But there are no short cuts.

We have barely scratched the surface.

No, no, no!

That’s the wrong genre.

“Scratch the surface” means we’ve barely begun.

Oh, where was I?

We’ve barely begun to scratch the surface.

Don’t be discouraged that you can’t master this quickly.

Men and women devote their lives to mastering disciplines of one kind or another.

And understanding the written Word is certainly worth your time.

This discipline is called hermeneutics.

You’ll be given a reading list of helpful books to further your understanding on this subject.

Remember, the mission of proper interpretation of His written Word is not a mission impossible.


The Written Word 5

Posted by: Jane Hsu
Released Date: Mar-08-2010

Rolls Sock has given us 5 more crucial elements to understand God’s Word and to see its relevance.

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Our mission has been to learn the proper interpretation of the written Word.

We have explored 7 clue questions that need to be applied to the written word of God.

Lest we think Bible interpretation is an exact science, Rolls Sock has given us 5 more crucial elements to understand God’s Word and to see its relevance.

First, we need to have been saved.

Next, we need to develop some spiritual maturity.

We need to engage in diligent study.

We need to use our common sense and logic.

And finally, humbly depend on the Holy Spirit for discernment.

In our episodes, you have hopefully experienced some of these.

Understanding God’s Word is a task for the humbled.

It takes humility to admit ignorance and submit to learning skills that one finds awkward.

Our episodes in clue discovery draw to a close.

Now we are at a point which could be likened to someone who has just learned to play Chopsticks on the piano, thinking that they are capable of playing a Beethoven sonata on the piano.

Only hard work and years of practice separate the two abilities.

But there are no short cuts.

We have barely scratched the surface.

No, no, no!

That’s the wrong genre.

“Scratch the surface” means we’ve barely begun.

Oh, where was I?

We’ve barely begun to scratch the surface.

Don’t be discouraged that you can’t master this quickly.

Men and women devote their lives to mastering disciplines of one kind or another.

And understanding the written Word is certainly worth your time.

This discipline is called hermeneutics.

You’ll be given a reading list of helpful books to further your understanding on this subject.

Remember, the mission of proper interpretation of His written Word is not a mission impossible.


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