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When I was proofreading Man and Woman in Church Ministry by the late Dr. Robert Saucy, the conversation between us constantly occurred to my mind. His love for Chinese Christians is so immense.

"I would so much like to do something for Chinese Christians," Dr. Robert Saucy said this more than one time.

I told him in July that The Church in God's Program did not mention the roles of males and females and the relationship between them and the church ministry. He replied that Men and Women in Ministry, the book which he co-authored, discussed this part. I then pointed out that Taiwan's pastors are so busy that it would be a great difficulty for them to read one more book just for the subject. "Let's do a summarized version then!" This was how Man and Woman in Church Ministry was born.

I revised the translation of Man and Woman in Church Ministry with such care that each word and sentence was attended. This might be the last thing I could do for him, and hopefully, when I met him in heaven, he would smile at me with great satisfaction. It's also my sincere wish that you would like the book we worked so hard for.

1. The post-production of "The Church in God's Program Special Conference" DVD went smoothly, and was mailed to the buyers by the end of August.

2. Man and Woman in Church Ministry was finally completed and published at the end of August.

3. Jane was invited to Neihu Xinsheng church to deliver a sermon on August 9, and brothers and sisters said that they had never thought reading bible would be so interesting. Bible reading bored them in the past.


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