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Letting God Be Judge (Traditional Chinese Edition)

Recognizing the Impact of Ungodly Judgments and Dealing with Them

  • Price: $15
  • List Price: $ 15
  • Product #: T010
Product Introduction

The impact of ungodly judgments can be extremely damaging and far reaching in their effect. This unique book covers a subject rarely written about and yet it is so important that the Bible speaks extensively about it. There is little that is more offensive and divisive than a person with a judgmental spirit. The Bible's teaching on ungodly judgments is desperately needed for the health and growth of the Church. One critical step in the process of moving toward freedom and maturity in Christ is repenting of the ungodly judgments we have made against God, ourselves, and others, and breaking their power in our lives.The simple fact is that judging others is incompatible with foundational principles in Jesus' teaching and the teaching of His disciples. Scripture warns us clearly and repeatedly of the dangers in making ungodly judgments. This books helps the reader realize when we are falling into the judgments that Jesus so clearly prohibits, and when we are simply standing for God's truth in a manner that brings glory and honor to Him.

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