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God & Me - Stories

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I felt that God was telling me how, unconsciously, I might have hurt people this week.

Morsel is my landlady’s pet, a sensitive and delicate short hair cat. Her black hair shines like a black diamond when she is still. When she moves, her white legs remind me of the elegant boots British royal family wear for outings. Oil paintings and statues of morsel can be seen in every room. Different flavors of food and various types of snack are prepared for her any time. Her snacks are so cute and crispy they make ME want to taste them. When I sit down in the living room, she usually comes to me, and then rubs her back against my foot or sits beside me.

Last Friday night I had the first group meeting for Character Development at my home. I had to lock Morsel in my landlady’s bathroom since two Korean girls were afraid of cats. She kept hitting the door trying to get out. After twenty minutes, she became quiet. It seemed that she had given up. It was her first time being locked in a bathroom.

As soon as the Korean girls left, I opened the bathroom door. Morsel looked at me for a second, and then walked to me slowly while whimpering. I could see how hurt she was.

Tuesday morning she came to me when I was preparing my breakfast in the kitchen. I did not realize that she was there. Suddenly, I heard someone screaming, and then I saw Morsel run away speedily. I thought I had unintentionally stepped on her. She did not show up again that day. I looked around everywhere but could not find her. That night I prayed that God sent His angel to comfort her and make her happy.

Wednesday morning I finally found her in a place I least suspected. She was in the landlady’s bathroom. I called her name, but she looked at me quietly, and did nothing. During the evening, I called her name repeatedly, and tried to explain to her that my behavior was not punishment but an accident. I did not mean to hurt her; she did not do anything wrong. I was sorry for locking her in the bathroom. I asked her to forgive me and accept my sincere apologies. She gazed at me silently...

It seems that she perceived that she did something wrong and that she needed to be punished for it; and being locked in a bathroom that was punishment to her. So she was punishing herself and would not come out despite my explanations.

Wednesday night, she moved toward me when I was doing my case analysis. She rubbed her back against my foot, and then jumped up and sat beside me. It had taken her two days to receive me again.

I learned some things from this event:
1. Sudden isolation without giving enough explanation can hurt people deeply.
2. People tend to think it is their fault when they are mistreated.
3. During the early stage of being hurt, people cry out for help. If there is no response, they keep the grudge inside and repress their emotional needs. They become Apathetic.
4. People hurt in relationships need time to heal or get up the courage to approach others again. Sometime they will risk, sometimes they withdraw. Patience is always a good reaction to them. God never forces anyone.

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Copyright © 2009 Jane Hsu. All rights reserved.
International copyright secured. Used with author’s permission.